Why are Real Estate Panoramas Important in the Real Estate Business?

There is no denying how photo creativity can impact real estate sales. People flock to listings where they find images that are eye-catching and at the same time resonating to them. More than just the viewership, listings with attractive photos of real estate properties result into better overall business. Real estate panorama has been a great addition to the world of real estate photography. It allows a wider view of a property, and perhaps its surrounding community, which potential buyers can check out before making further decisions to pursue or not.

We are often used to what a panorama photo is especially when we’ve experienced using the feature on our digital cameras or on our mobile phones. In the real estate business, a real estate panorama means so much more than just a photo.

What Exactly are Real Estate Panoramas?

The context of a real estate panorama is within virtual tours. This means a single photo that encapsulates the main object (which is the property) along with the peripheries and views. To make this happen, the process of stitching must be performed to put several pictures together. Another method is to pan the camera laterally to catch perhaps a 180-degree view into one image. Whichever technique is used, the photo is subjected to post processing for further enhancement just like any still image so that it can gain the qualities that make it suitable for its intended purposes.

A real estate business looking to take advantage of the use of a real estate panorama turns to the context of virtual tour. In this sense, the differentiating factor for those editing real estate photos using panorama is it turns into a interaction tool which enables giving control to its intended audience. Here are some types of real estate panoramas and virtual tours to give a better understanding.

  1. 360-Degree Real Estate Panorama

As its name suggests, this real estate panorama can give you the view as if you were rotating on a fixed axis and seeing the view from all around you even from the back of where you are facing. A real estate business who is keen on showcasing a beautiful interior or a thriving community outside can definitely employ this technique which also provides an avenue of viewer interaction. A good way to gain delight and possible better brand awareness.

  1. The All-around Panorama

This iteration of the 360-degree panorama is the extension to an all-around 360-degree-on-all-axes panorama. The difference is viewers can now check out the view from above and below. This works well in interiors with high ceilings where the offerings are simply exquisite. For exteriors, this can be useful for properties that live near landscapes such as hills, mountains, and even beaches. A real estate business that wants to attract buyers that may be interested in the outdoors can definitely find the beauty in photos like these.

Why Real Estate Panoramas Matter

Real estate panorama or virtual tours provide the type of photos that no single lens can do. They give off a very holistic view to prospective property seekers rather than giving them bits of the same view in different captures. But more than just the physical benefits of real estate panorama, the implications to real estate businesses stretch far beyond just the image. To have an appreciation of what there are, check out this list:

  1. Increase the speed of customer conversion

Customer conversion in the field of marketing means the ability of a business to make a curious customer at the point of inquiry eventually purchase whatever it is they became interested in. Now in the context of real estate, increasing the speed of this conversion rate can help the turnover of properties and help the business realize its targets faster. By providing real estate panorama, people can make decisions faster. They can view the house and what it looks like without setting a foot inside the property. For them, the beauty of being able to interact with a photo and get a holistic look at the property can help make decisions as every inch is now visible. Unlike pictures that give off a teasing vibe, real estate panorama can give the entire package where people can check it out through their devices at the convenience of their homes.

  1. Improved Marketing

Word will definitely spread that perhaps a real estate business is easy to interact with or there were no regrets buying from them when the experience was so convenient and seamless. Now, come to think of how virtual tours and how it impacts the real estate business more than just the good experiences. People looking to do searches at home through search engines will find your listing because they are looking for a virtual tour. Others may find your listings on the internet since more and more internet users are coming into light and more importantly the reach of your brand in the real estate business is starting to gain more followership. All of these can be summed up to the concept of keeping up with the times. People nowadays do not hesitate to look for anything over the internet because everything really is on the internet.

  1. Better uses and increased resolution

Social media sites and websites now come in different shapes and sizes, as do their requirements for photos. Real estate panoramas can adapt to the requirements of banner photos, landscape images, and the likes to give off a better resolution to photos rather than stretching out the square image to fit a rectangular space. Talk about unrealistic representations.


Without a doubt, there are benefits that real estate panoramas bring to real estate businesses. Modern times require adapting to different requirements and perhaps blazing a trail for others to follow in this trend. In both cases, the relevance of creating real estate panorama can bring in better sales, perhaps an increase in turnaround, or even better traction within the real estate market. Remembering these in tandem with how people are changing their behaviors by using more and more of the internet can help the business ride with the changing times, and at the end of it, be perceived as one of the choices when buying real estate properties.


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