The 6 Most Important Real Estate Photography Trends and Why

Real estate photography technology is now becoming mainstream.

Many of these cutting-edge technologies are being used daily as we speak. But to stay on the cutting edge, you need to keep abreast of the latest developments in real estate technology and observe how it impacts the behavior of your customers — both buyers and sellers.

Here are the six most important real estate trends you need to be aware of in 2020 and beyond:

1. Real estate databases are partnering with photographers

Zillow, the real estate database, is now offering mutually beneficial partnerships with real estate photographers. After the photographer passes some quality checks and submits some requirements, he or she becomes Zillow-certified.

Why is this important?

Zillow is the leading real estate marketplace in the US. It’s an advantage to be a Zillow-certified photographer because it helps you market your business to Zillow's real estate agents, attract more clients, and enhance your portfolio.

2. Photographers are now outsourcing their photo editing

Real estate photographers don't stop working after the shoot. Once they get home from a shoot, they still have to edit the selected images before sending them to the client. You know this takes a lot of time — time you’d rather spend with your family, and friends, or growing your business.

The good news is, that some professional realty editors can edit your precious photos for you. This can free up your time so you can shoot more edit less, and do more of the things you love to do.

Why is this important?

When you outsource your photo editing, you enjoy a lot of benefits. When you delegate that task, you save money, effort, and time. With this time now freed up, you can refocus more on looking for new clients, shooting more photos, and devising strategies to scale your business. happens to be a leader in real estate photo editing. We are a team of photo editors who can professionally enhance your real estate photos with use of polarizing filters, the way you want them.

3. Photographers take aerial shots

A drone offers a unique perspective and possibility in aerial photography games for real estate purposes. You can now take some amazing aerial videos and images of the property. This may include lovely views of the land surrounding the property. And if you're a skilled pilot, you can even take a video of interiors, like a short real estate marketing video.

Why is this important?

Since drones are a relatively new technology, it’s still perceived as "cool." This can be offered as an upsell to clients who are looking for the latest and greatest in real estate photography. And this will easily set you apart from the rest when you can offer local drone photography as well.

4. Real estate industry players are now using mobile devices

Real estate buyers, sellers, agents, and photographers are always on the move. The way they stay updated, search for listings, and transact business these days is through their mobile devices. Most of the world is going mobile. Even Google data proves that more and more people are now using their notebooks, tablets, and phones more than their desktops.

A NAR (National Association of Realtors) study even found that 46% of Generation X'ers and 56% of Millenials look for directions, communicate with their agents, and find their homes using a mobile device.

Why is this important?

Your photography website must be mobile responsive. Your site must be readable and navigable using just a mobile device's screen. On the other hand, a non-responsive site is tough to navigate. Readers will quickly give up if they cannot figure out what your site is all about, or if they have to keep jumping through hoops or navigating from one web page to another.

5. Real estate services are being promoted on social media

In 2017, the NAR made a study regarding social media use in the real estate industry. What they found was that 80% of the players in the real estate industry are using Facebook to advertise and promote their services as well as interact with buyers and potential buyers. Others use other social media platforms like Google, LinkedIn, YouTube, and more.

Why is this important?

Social media has become the cheapest, fastest, and most effective way for real estate photographers to get their message out there. Other platforms also have sharing options and instant messaging tools so you can interact with both clients and prospects in real-time.

Along with great SEO, an effective social media marketing campaign is essential in promoting your real estate photography business.

6. Real estate buyers are going online to search for listings

Most people are busy these days. They no longer have the time to check out newspapers and magazines. Those who are interested in buying properties or having someone take photos of their listings are bound to look to the Internet first. Google and the NAR once made a joint study titled, "The Digital House Hunt: Consumer and Market Trends in Real Estate," showing some significant findings, some of which are as follows:

  • A majority of buyers (90%) searched for properties online.
  • Local search terms were important for buyers.
  • Google reports a 253% increase in real estate-related searches from 2013 to 2017.

Why is this important?

The big players in real estate are moving to the web, making their Internet presence felt online. It's therefore vital that you have an attractive and robust presence online. Your photography website must have high-quality photos and engaging content. It must be well-organized. So you must try to improve your website with effective SEO and social media marketing strategies.

The Bottom Line

The year 2020 is going to be another significant and productive year for real estate photography. All the signals and trends point to exciting opportunities that lie ahead. So keep an eye on these six trends. Use them in planning your business goals and strategies for 2020 and beyond. By capitalizing on these trends, you’ll be able to take your photography business to the next level.


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