Long-Awaited New Features and Effects for Real Estate Photo Editing

Like a kid on Christmas day, everyone in the real estate photo editing profession looks forward to the new toys they come out every year from software developers. As a realty editor, one of the most sought-after set of features revolves around convenience and improved usability that ultimately results into efficient working styles. This is not to say that most real estate photo editing techniques are cumbersome, but there is an element of time that photographers and real estate photo editors alike must meet in providing these enhanced images to their real estate partners.

Diving further into the concept of new features, it is fair to say that the concept of ‘new’ might not necessarily mean breakthrough innovations. We may not discover a whole new spectrum of color provided by these real estate photo editing software nor an invention about a new level of lighting but what we can always expect is a new way of doing things. Long-awaited new features and effects will most definitely tread on giving new options to do things or perhaps combining several operations together that would make sense in the context of every day uses for real estate photo editors. The bottom line is, these are still considered as gold and would be one heck of a lift for every real estate photo editor out there.

Check These New Features Out

Looking at two prominent real estate photo editing software in Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Lightroom, there are significant features that have been anticipated by a lot of real estate photo editors. These have, in one way or another, brought fixes that has made professionals breathe a sigh of relief. Let’s check them out.

  1. One-click sky replacement (Adobe Photoshop)

We all remember how sky replacement is. It entails several steps to separate the sky and the property, there is a process of masking and then there is the step of replacing the sky with a photo from your own collection. It is one of the real estate photo editing essentials, making it a must-do for images requiring some rescue. Now, Adobe Photoshop has gathered all of those steps and aggregated them into one to two clicks, allowing the background artificial intelligence to step in and do the more difficult tasks for you, unseen. There is also a collection of stock photos available within the software that makes it all the more convenient to simply choose one that best suits the image.

  1. Create and save pre-sets (Adobe Photoshop)

If in the past, the selection of pre-sets was not enough, then now you can customize one. Free Photoshop plugins for real estate photo editing allows you to work on a photo – let’s say an exterior shot of a property – and apply filters, color changes, clarity adjustments, and the likes, and lets you save it for future reference. The beauty about this is as your images in photography churn out a similar style, then you can use this saved pre-set several times.

  1. Super Resolution in an instant (Adobe Lightroom)

Lightroom now has the ability to boost the resolution by up to 400%! Now your real estate photo editing changes will no longer produce lower quality resolutions because they have been compensated to begin with. Upon enhancement of resolution, the format will change to a DNG file or a Digital Negative Image File format. All of this in one click of a button.

  1. Collaborative Editing (Adobe Lightroom)

This is a first for real estate photo editing. People have long worked on documents together through different platforms, contributing to the completion of one image. With this revolutionary feature, a photo can be worked on by different people in different locations for as long as they have access to the cloud. The possibilities can manifest through improving processes related to speed up turnaround times. For example, specializations can be set-up for outsourced services since they have more people in the team. One person can make sure all the skies in exterior shots are done, the other can work on interiors, setting up the proper color corrections, and when it is done, they can pass it on to someone who will do the retouching. This is just one of endless possibilities when collaboration in real estate photo editing is enabled.

  1. Box Zooming (Adobe Lightroom)

The feature of box zooming is a small but quirky improvement. Instead of choosing the percent zoom and moving the image around until you can clearly see the part of the photo you want to scrutinize, box zooming simply makes you click and drag a box into an area it automatically zooms that area, eliminating a lot of movement. You could say that this is very trivial, but in real estate photo editing, small but frequent movements like these eventually add up to a good number of minutes, even hours!

  1. Reset the image using reset transform (Adobe Photoshop)

Have you ever gone through an edit that simply doesn’t look right but you’ve invested so much time to beautify? We are pretty sure you’ve rattled the undo button more times than you could have ever imagined. Reset transform works much like box zooming. Once the tool is selected, you can simply click and drag the box around an object or image and it brings it back to the original state, eliminating the need to retract each step of the edit.

  1. Camera RAW interface improvement (Adobe Photoshop)

Much of the buzz surrounding the improvement is its aggregation and simplification of the interface. The adjustment panels, sliders, and color wheels have all been placed into one side panel for an easier access and efficient movement. It also enables the mutually exclusive adjustment of midtones, shadows, and highlights for better control and micro adjustments you can influence.


The amount of new features listed here are just found on the tip of the iceberg. Real estate photo editors are keen to make use of these changes and bring a lot of efficiency into their working styles as better time management means better business. While the changes we see on the surface are not as complex, the contribution of the smaller parts can pack a wallop on the bigger picture. So, what are you waiting for? Try it out yourself and marvel at the difference!


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