Automated Image Editing for Real Estate Photography

Stepping into the future means riding along the tide of modernization and change. Often, we encounter improvements in various aspects of our lives that we begin to forget how the old ways felt like. But of course, the change isn’t as sharp and immediate. There is a gradual process that we experience and immerse into until everything has transitioned into something new. This is the concept sold by the future of automation. This step into what visionaries call a brighter future dictates how things are done and how much work is alleviated from our hands.

In the field of real estate photography and real estate image editing, we are beginning to see the adaptation of technology in the form of automated processes, artificial intelligence, and other convenient aspects. On the receiving end, we must consider why these things are beneficial to us in specific applications rather than submitting ourselves to the entirety of the change. With that, we take a look at how automation in real estate photography and real estate image editing are beginning to pan out and how we can look at taking advantage of it.

Defining Automation in Real Estate Photo Editing

Generally speaking, automation is the intervention of non-inanimate technologies that help reduce human processes and eventually ease the work we normally do. In the context of realty editor and real estate photography, we see it in the streamlining of tasks that needs to be performed. First is the evolution of the camera. This equipment used to be a one-trick pony, snapping photos and developing them using films. The films are developed in a dark room with a ton of equipment, ranging from basins of water to a red-light bulb to a clothesline that are used to dry the images. Nowadays we see all forms of digital cameras that have removed the process of development, let alone eliminated the trouble of having your photos exposed. It also contains automated features on lighting, clarity, and photo formats. With one click of a button, we get what we want in real estate photography.

Shifting our attention to real estate image editing, we see the newer applications that contain features such as batch processing, re-application of filters, pre-sets, software machine learning, and all that jazz that reduce the repetitiveness and heaviness of the work at hand. With what we remember about editing 15 photos all with the same enhancements and effects can now be done with one click of a reapplication command.

What Automation Can Bring You

Let’s see how automation can impact you as a photographer. Note that there are implied benefits which can only be realized especially in real estate image editing once we really notice them.

  1. Consistency

Automation can ensure consistency in real estate photo and video editing services. The same couldn’t be as exact for real estate photography as differences in skill can dictate the quality of photos captured. The reason behind the benefit of consistency is because it takes over human error and fatigue. Let’s look at it this way. An automated software will not get tired after 8 hours of work. The quality will not degrade as there is no reason to rush and call it a day. It creates a sense of confidence that if you are keen on the edits that should take place, pre-programming this and repeating the application to different photos can ensure the same effects are placed every time.

  1. Speed

Another noteworthy benefit of automation in real estate image editing is the speed. A number of software have started incorporating batch processing features into their applications, enabling you to make simultaneous edits. The significant reduction in your turnaround time can open doors for your business. Automation has also taken the form of pre-sets that come with a purchased software. These pre-sets are so abundant that they tend to have at least one that speaks closest to every photographer’s heart no matter how unique your taste might be.

  1. Reliability

Now how do we differentiate reliability? Well for starters we can take the example in real estate photography where photos are stored in memory cards digitally which can then be conveniently transferred to a computer so you can get cracking on the enhancements. Unlike previously, the film had to be carefully stored in a canister, avoiding the exposure of light. On the side of real estate image editing, we combine the elements of consistency and speed which work together to deliver work that is punctual and of quality.

  1. Scale

If you are thinking of expanding your business, automation can be your solution. Think of all the clients you can seal an agreement with and yet toil to deliver the end product without compromise. This is also a viable replacement to the outsourcing option where you are ensuring consistency across every image enhanced. Outsourced services will of course, have their own standards of quality, but then again, everyone is human leaving the element of consistency always at the hands of possible fatigue and degradation.

  1. Savings

Cost is of course an offshoot from scaling and expansion, and perhaps on the opposite end of the income statement, the additional profit. Being able to condense the working time enables the additional capacity to operate and take in more clients. Automation aids the acceleration of real estate image editing, allowing you to work with the same volume of work with less effort, enabling more energy to take on a higher volume of projects.


The future doesn’t look so bad from this angle. Real estate photography and real estate editing can get a real kick from joining the bandwagon of automation because after all, it is the ability to maintain the consistency of quality, speed, and overall reliability that customers and clients require. On your end, there are also countless benefits which you can leverage on, making more out of the time at your hands to ensure business continuity and expansion. Therefore, look at your options, re-evaluate your standing, and perhaps take that leap of faith into the world of automation which can potentially do more harm that good.


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