Reasons Why Open Communication is Vital in Outsourced Photo Editing Work

Doing the job yourself might seem as the ideal choice when looking to find the assurance of producing quality output. However, some jobs may require more hands as capacity seems to start to fill up with more demand. The real estate photography and editing industry is no stranger to this business model. There are instances where outsourced real estate photo editing sources are tapped in order to meet all the deadlines on time. Moreover, the economies of scale might work for very high volume of orders where outsourcing becomes a more financially attractive option.

When managing outsourced real estate photo editing, there is an emphasized impotence on open and constant communication to ensure that the expectations are met and at the same time issues are resolved. Real estate photo editing relies on the quality and speed to help the real estate partner sell their listed properties at faster rates. Hence, whether it is done in-house or outsourced, the client still expects the same standards in the service you provide them.

Why Communication is Important

Communication is important in outsourced real estate photo editing or any outsourced service for that matter because there is a customer-client relationship to maintain, and it is important to ensure that things are running smoothly. Communication is also important because it fosters trust between two parties conducting business. Realty editor is an industry where many people are playing and working with one person to the next will require a lot of rapport and relationship building. Communication also builds transparency. Being able to trust someone is one thing but having the peace of mind to know that whoever the outsourced work is contracted to, they are progressing and meeting your needs on time and in the right quality.

Communication is also reliant on mode of exchange. Calls or face to face conversations are best in order to clarify things and correctly hear the tone in which the other party is talking in. Electronic exchanges pose a disadvantage as they are slower and they do not capture the feeling behind the message. There will be times that electronic exchanges will misconstrue or lead to misunderstandings because of choices of words. Hence, calls and face to face conversations will provide the clearest and fastest way to communicate what you want to say, and electronic exchanges can then be used to document the conversation.

What are the Items that Need to be Tackled?

In order to structure communication and ensure that the exchange is substantial, there are key points to consider and to look out for. The process of having real estate photo editing outsourced consists of several steps. They include negotiations, agreements, execution, delivery and feedback. Each stage must be approached with the right communication strategies and etiquette so that trust, transparency, and relationships are established.


  • Do your research on reasonable prices

Doing the due diligence in knowing how to save expenses by outsourcing real estate photo editing costs on an industry average will help you be prepared for the negotiation. Some may have different charging models such as per photo or those with editing packages. Others might even have prices based on speed of producing the photo. Also assess which type of price model you are willing to pay for that will suit your needs and meet your client’s demand.

  • Know your resistance and target points

The resistant point is simply the highest price you are willing to pay. Anything above this means that the service provider you are negotiating with is too expensive. Target points are your ‘willing to pay’ prices and the direction of the negotiation can go the way you steer it to if you know these. If your resistance point is reached, then that cues you to walk away, otherwise, check to see if they can meet your target point and proceed from there.


  • Be transparent on expectations

The agreement stage is where paperwork is done. Being a professional and knowing how real estate photo editing is done, you will have a firm grasp of the lead times and quality you want. Expecting these from the outsourced real estate photo editing service is only fair since you are paying the right amount of money for the right quality of service and speed. When you are transparent with these from the get-go, then there is a written agreement the service is accountable for.


  • Establish escalation triggers

Now we cannot expect our service providers to be perfect when it comes to execution. There may be times when they run into hurdles that require your decision. For instance, a photo is corrupted and they cannot work on it, they must reach out to you to supply that photo or if you deem that photo is not as relevant and will not make such an impact, then you may opt to have it removed from the bunch. The fact of the matter is, the outsourced real estate photo editing service wants to meet your expectations so bumps on the road need to be communicated back to you. As their customer, you need to provide a clear direction on how they will proceed with your order.

Delivery and Feedback

  • Screen the output and make sure it fits your agreed standards

Do not be afraid to check each output. The important thing is the photos are at par with what you expected and what you’ve paid for. Real estate photo editing is crucial to increase sales for your real estate partners and short-changing them is the last thing you want to do. Should there be any discrepancies or lack of quality in the enhanced images, do not hesitate to give the feedback and have it re-done. After all, a contract is a contract where everyone signed and agreed to.


Open communication is vital in outsourced real estate photo editing services. The exchange at various stages of the outsourcing process ensures that quality is maintained although out as accountability and quality are instilled. Communication also important as it opens the lines of trust and transparency, two relevant elements in every business relationship as it builds and goes on to be an established partnership down the road.


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